In clinical dental practice, life-threatening emergencies can and do occur. Adverse medical events occur despite all appropriate measures to prevent them from developing. They can happen to anyone–a patient, a doctor, a dental office staff, or a person who is merely accompanying the patient. A number of factors exist today that may increase the likelihood of such incidents.
In the absence of any India specific online course on this topic, we aim to illustrative and precise information on the knowledge and methods to manage such medical emergencies on their own. This will aid dental practitioners with the adequate knowledge
The lecture series consists of Eight topics covering various medical emergencies that will consist of a medical emergency situation with its explanation, aetiology, sequelae of onset, primary management approach and its medical management. We will use a combination of lecture with illustrative examples.
INTENDED AUDIENCE: Undergraduate students, Postgraduate trainees in dental surgery & dental practitioners
PRE-REQUISITE: Professionals belonging to dentistry
INDUSTRY SUPPORT: This course will be valuable for any dental practitioner since management of medical emergencies is a vital skill.